=============== Getting Started =============== Installation ============ The easiest way to install rapidsms-nutrition is (or will be) to use pip:: pip install rapidsms-nutrition If you choose to install from `source `_, take care to also install the additional programs listed in the `requirements` directory. 1. Add ``'nutrition'`` and its requirements to :setting:`INSTALLED_APPS` in your RapidSMS project:: INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'rapidsms', 'rapidsms.contrib.handlers', 'django_tables2', 'healthcare', 'nutrition', ... ] 2. Ensure that the request context processor is in :setting:`TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS`, as required by `django_tables2`:: TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = [ ... 'django.core.context_processors.request', ... ] 3. `Configure rapidsms-healthcare `_ to use the storage backend of your choice. 4. Update the database via:: python manage.py migrate nutrition If you are not using South, you can create the tables via:: python manage.py syncdb .. _configuration: Configuration ============= The behavior of rapidsms-nutrition may be configured via Django project settings. * **NUTRITION_PATIENT_HEALTHCARE_SOURCE** (*Default*: ``None``) Patients are identified using a *global identifier*, assigned by rapidsms-healthcare, as well as any number of *canonical identifiers*, each associated with and unique to a particular *source*. To send a new report for a patient via SMS, reporters must know the patient's canonical ID associated with the source specified in :setting:`NUTRITION_PATIENT_HEALTHCARE_SOURCE` (or the global ID if the setting is ``None``). For example, National ID numbers could be a source used to identify patients. Take care when updating this setting after initial development, as this will change the information that your reporters need to know to send in patient reports via SMS.